Let Celebrate Special Occasions With Halal Wine From MY Wine Spring

 Dear Readers, 

MY Wine Spring Offers Halal Wine, Juice, Tea and More!

Wine has a very long history with the earliest traces of wine production from the ancient civilization as early as 7000 B.C in the province of Northern China and followed by many others since the 6000 B.C.
In general, wine is known as an alcoholic drinks that made from the fermented grape juice where the yeast will consumes the sugar in the grapes and converts it to ethanol, carbon dioxide and heat.The basic five stages or steps in making the wine are harvesting, crushing & pressing, fermentation, clarification and aging & bottling.
Besides grape, there are wine productions that are fermented from rice, i.e. tapai or fruit wines such as plum, cherry, pomegranate, currants and berries. Generally, there are many type of wines that available now in the market, i.e. white wine, red wine, rose wine and sparkling wine. 
Let Celebrate Special Occasions With Halal Wine From MY Wine Spring
Vendome Mademoiselle Merlot - Halal Wine
And today in this entry, I will be sharing with you guys about the red wine that known as Vendome Mademoiselle Merlot, a bio-organic premium grape quality wine from Germany. Special about this wine is it contains 0% alcohol and making it a non-alcoholic wine with Halal certification.
Merlot offers a palette aromas that created by the small red and black berries, raspberries, blackcurrants and violets. This wine can be drunk when it is still fairly young in production and reveals a surprisingly spicy bouquet with age. 
Let Celebrate Special Occasions With Halal Wine From MY Wine Spring
Information About Merlot
As I mentioned above on the five steps wine production processes, this wine production undergoes an additional step which is dealcoholization process using the low-temperature vacuum dealcoholization technique.
This vacuum rectification technique ensure a gentle removal of alcohol content while preserving the final product quality in term of taste, odor and chemical composition including the nutrients. 
Let Celebrate Special Occasions With Halal Wine From MY Wine Spring
Wine Dealcoholization Process For Halal Wine
Therefore, it is completely incorrect to label this winery drink as a grape fruit juice as this drink eventually undergoes complete process of wine production except with an additional process.
Now, you can enjoy a premium grade red wine without worrying about getting drunk yet do you know that non-alcoholic wine actually good for our health?
A study shows that drinking non-alcoholic wine can lowers blood pressure thereby reducing the risk of a heart attack by 20% and the risk of developing cardio-vascular disease by 14%. 
Let Celebrate Special Occasions With Halal Wine From MY Wine Spring
Halal-Certified by IIDC- Recognized by JAKIM
As the nutrients and chemical compounds retains in the wine during the dealcoholization process, this wine also contains an equivalent amount of polyphenols compare to the alcoholic red wine.
The polyphenols help to improve the the function of blood vessels, increasing protective HDL cholesterol, hence this can helps to decreased the risk of cardiovascular related diseases. 

In addition, non-alcoholic wine contains three time less calories compare to the regular wine. Drinkers are able to taste the same winery taste yet getting less calories intake. 
Let Celebrate Special Occasions With Halal Wine From MY Wine Spring
Health Benefit of Non-Alcoholic Wine
That's pretty much that I would love to share about the Bio-Organic Merlot. There are more products beside Merlot where you can check them out such as Sparkling Classic and Chardonnay.
More information about these halal-certified wines are available in the pictures that I shared below especially on the main ingredients used to produced them.  

Let Celebrate Special Occasions With Halal Wine From MY Wine Spring
Description About Sparking Wine Classic
Let Celebrate Special Occasions With Halal Wine From MY Wine Spring
Description About Chardonnay
Let Celebrate Special Occasions With Halal Wine From MY Wine Spring
Pricing Information

These products are available on the Shopee platform where you can purchase them from the link below. For more information about these products, you can visit their official social media platform too. 

 MY Wine Spring Instagram| MY Wine Spring Facebook| MY Wine Spring Whatsapp ME

Let Celebrate Special Occasions With Halal Wine From MY Wine Spring
Cheer! May The Year Of Ox Brings Extra Prosperity And Be Abundance To All Of Us
Let Celebrate Special Occasions With Halal Wine From MY Wine Spring
Bio-Organic Merlot By Vendome Mademoiselle Made In Germany
Signing Off For Now And Take Care Till We Meet Again On My Next Post. 
For Collaboration or Any Inquiry, Feel Free To Email Me At Kitkatnelfei@gmail.com.

Post a Comment


  1. Wow......Halal Wine! Super interesting! This must me be like a sparkling juice right. Yeah, I love drinking sparkling juice and would like to try this halal wine. Thank you for sharing your review with me.

  2. Oh wow. Now I can toast with my brother and sisters and other family members during New Year and Christmas with this. Yee haaa!

  3. First time dengar tentang produk ni. Packaging nampak menarik dan yang mahal logo tu 😁. Bagi as a gift pum cun gak sebab packaging not bad

  4. Halal wine. Never heard about this since I never searched for the halal one. Thanks for sharing & explaining in details about Vendome halal wine

  5. Pestime Sis tau ada Halal Wine ni.. serius tak tau.. sebab sebut aje wine dah tau tak halal kan.. nanti boleh research lebih lanjut lagi.. thanks Nel..

  6. Adakah rasa dia macam air rebina..heheee.. Pertama kali nampak halal wine..buah-pun semua buah yang masam2 macam tu.

  7. Wahhh halal wine. Macam tak sesuai dengan terms Non-alcoholic wine. Translate ke melayu arak tanpa alkohol.

  8. wow biar betul! first there is halal bak hwa and now halal wine! i am super excited to give this revolutionary product a try. thanks for sharing about it :)

  9. Wow never heard of halal wine before. Perfect for those who can't take alcohol due to health or religious reasons.

  10. hehe ini first time iena dengar tentang halal wine.
    serius terkesima kejap.Sebelum ni bila sebut wine je memang orang dah tau wine tak halal..

  11. ohh....I wish to try this non alcoholic wine too, seems like so tasty from your sharing here. cheers, siennylovesdrawing

  12. Good to know that there is a market segment for so-called halal wine. Then again...if it is halal...then it is not wine. Quite a marketing move though.

  13. baru tahu ada wine yang tidak beralkohol dan siap ada sijil halal. semoga ia menjadi pilihan terbaik untuk elak masalah mabuk

  14. Dia sebenarnya macam air sparkling rasanya... Sbb x memabukkan so okla... Cuma agak weird bila sebut nak minum wine hahhaha.. tapi ianya halal okla

  15. Halal wine! Memula baca terkejut jugak sebab tak pernah tahu. Dan pertama kali juga dengar jenama ni.
